Tuesday, February 5, 2013

These pictures are photoshopped and a lie.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I have found another talent to promote

Please note the small Icon who brings this work into focus. A lawyer understands words.

A Facebook Gift Suggestion

Woof Woof

This is available as a premium gift at facebook, without the paint emembellishments, I admit to adding. Only 12 bucks. Real American. COD. I aint interested.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The cop who just threatened to 'get me out of here' decided to let me finish this post anyway. The post was made in a rush job after being tossed from the place where I spend the afternoons staying awake and waiting for the night bus that takes me away to the outer parts of the city- sorry but I don't tell people 'exactly where I sleep.'

Glad to have another image to promote though.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday, July 18, 2008

In est it is alright that you are an asshole.

When I decided to go ahead and start telling my story this was one of the first things I posted. I used the guy's full name and wrote a headline that would have probably caused him some consternation if he had seen it. He is a school teacher in Northern California and he has a collection of songs available for purchase at various internet sites and if you google his name there are quite a few hits. For a couple of weeks the first hit was a place to buy his CD. The second was my spaces live photo essay.

I had to remove the post because it was too likely that one of his students would find it next year. This is the brother-in-law who is involved in the Urantia U.F.O. cult and is a graduate of est. I took this picture at my mother's funeral. He has just asked me to take pictures of himself and my nephew and father, interrupting my picture taking, and as I passed him back the camera he made this slick move which I caught on disc. The full set of pictures I took that day tell a story and I am sorry I had to remove the original post. Seeing his name over those pictures made me feel very pleased with myself. He took my sister's last name when they got married.
His name is the same as mine. First name Michael. He is not as much fun as he looks.

Helping the aflicted

This is a little paint illustration I made the other night to send to my 21 year old daughter in an email. I told her about a review I wrote to a girl who was apparently molested by a cousin and is writing about how her abuser's side of the family is mishandling her grievance. She is blaming them for her problems with depression and "cutting." I read the story poem on a site where I have been writing and reviewing and sent her a review that I meant to give her a bit of therapy infused into the comments. I made this satiric cartoon to send along to my daughter of the girl cutting herself with the caption "helping the afflicted."