Sunday, June 22, 2008

My Second Favorite Class In High School Was Banned

I entered High School in Dixon Illinois with the class of 1981. In my sophomore year I had the pleasure of taking the course entitled "conflicts" and was taught from a text book of the same name.
I imagine that whoever had a course of that name with a book of that title had had the same experience that we had that semester with our little sophist. The endearing nickname that many of the kids had for him was "fag" and unfortunately, it was just a bit apt.

The course however was a feast of important literature as was his other English course that I was able to take before I myself was effectively banned when I was permanently expelled against the wishes of many of the English department personnel.

It was in his class that I first encountered the famous play by someone "Inherit The Wind." Sadly becoming more and more the atheist's passion play. But it was important literature and our lesson was very well reasoned and moderate.

Our teacher took us into the lives of ghetto dwelling urbanites and migrant workers struggling to survive. It was mainly this material that brought the "authorities" down on the instructor and forced a change in his curriculum when complaints by students over depressing and upsetting subject matter were responded too.

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